Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Helloo There!

Happy New Year! To welcome 2010, the Year of the Tiger, I've decided to start blogging about something close to my heart - READING. Since I have a reading center for children called The Reading Nook somewhere in Makati, I would like to share with you, especially to the parents out there, tips on reading to children, books that are developmentally appropriate, the latest buzz on reading practices and other discussions in the academe on reading specifically for children. I am starting this blog because I have always believed in the value of reading. It is never too early to start your kids on this habit, as well as for us parents to re-introduce ourselves to the joy of children's literature. I myself am a mother to two children, 6 year old Bea Liana (aka Princess Bea) and 1 year old Jacinto Emmanuel (aka Neo). As early as when both kids were in my tummy, I have already started reading to them. Even if it's only from a mother's soothing voice, studies will show that there are benefits to reading to an infant while he/she is still in a mother's womb. What more of the wonders that reading can do to a child who can already speak, think and rationalize with you? I am doing this blog, 99% for my 2 kids because I am always on the lookout for good reads for Bea and Neo, as well as for my other children - the students whose reading foundation I am helping to build. May this coming Year of the Tiger be a roaring success to all of us who believe in reading to our children!


  1. Hi, Czari. Congratulations on your new blog! Will recommend it to other mommies, especially the ones into reading.:)

  2. wahoooo! Glad to see you're blogging!
    Haven't had the chance to visit your reading nook. Will do soooon. :-)

    Have a growling great year, tiger!
